Last year we did this route a couple of weeks later in March. First taxi to Bolterdalen and then ski to the Red Cross hut in Reindalen. We took another route back to civilisation. This time the weather was not cold but the trouble was visibility, or the lack of it. It was nice to be out of the city for a weekend, though!
Punaisia vuorenhuippuja ja hylkeitä jäälautoilla / Spring is here! |
Luultavasti Bolterdalen / Possibly Tverrdalen |
Jokilaaksoa pitkin Reindaleniin / Following the river to the next valley |
Enimmäkseen jäässä / Mostly solid ice but some watery holes... |
Kämppähän näkyy jo! Etäisyyttä 200m / Well, it could be dark, too... |
No niin! / Anxiously waiting for departure |
Tuhat ja yksi kelkkaa mennyt tästä / The highway between LYB and Svea |
Koiravaljakolla olisit jo perillä (ruokkimassa koiria) / Somebody has to run anyway |