Steering a kayak that does not really have a functional rudder cross Adventfjorden seems to always be an interesting task. The wave system appears to be a weird mix of "normal" waves due to wind, tidal waves and leftovers from the swells from the Greenland Sea. The trouble is worth it, because there are some very nice hikes on the other side of the fjord. The summit of Adventtoppen (786m) was in clouds when we were there. But we know that the view is great from there...
Hiorthamnin poro / A funny looking dog, isn't it? |
Tummakallioinen (Erigeron humilis) / Black Fleabane |
Näitä oli aika paljon liikkeellä / Plenty of young ones |
Tie ylös on pitkä ja kivinen / Smaller and larger rocks all the way up |
Nordskiöldfjellet & Noora |
Nooran kengät (tietysti) |
Illalla ei tietysti ollut enää pilviä millään huipulla |