Rather than installing a cable TV into the bird box for their entertainment, I added a webcam so that we can see what the snow buntings do at home. In the next few weeks, the birds will be checking out all sorts of locations before deciding to settle down somewhere. While there is the drawback that we will be watching them, the good side of the small box is that no fox nor glaucous gull can get in.
Keskiyön aurinko alkoi nyt / Midnight sun again |
Imurointi oli tarpeen / Preparing some components |
Snadi tietokone ja kamera / Raspberry PI 3 with a camera module |
Piilokameran silmä / A small webcam |
Ainakin on hyvät maisemat pulmusilla / Installation of the bird box |
Heinät houkutuksena / No tenants yet |