There are plenty of icecaves in Svalbard. This time we headed up Bolterdalen all the way to the cave on (in?) Scott Turnerbreen (glacier). The cave was very visitor-friendly and there were a lot of dog and snowmobile people around. Despite the popularity we were practically alone all the time in the cave. The cave is long and our turn-around point was after about half a kilometer or so. We had deliberately left more serious iceclimbing gear at home to keep the backpacks light. The approach was about 8km in distance and maybe roughly 500m elevation gain. Of course, the downhill back to the road was quite easy...
Bolterdalen |
Koiria ja turisteja / Dogs and tourists |
Lähestytään luolaa / Approaching the cave |
Tällaisissa luolissa on usein kaksoispohja / Double-floor |
Kivaa lunta jäätiköllä / Gentle slope and powder... |