A nice daytrip to Tempelfjorden beats a day in the office every time. We collected water samples from several locations and from several depths. I have no real idea what the samples are really for besides something to do with oceanographic chemistry research. But it was fun to drive a rather nice boat.
Näillä moottoreilla isompikin vene liikahtaa / An enormous glacier |
Ajetaan oikeaan pisteeseen / At the sampling point |
Ensin lasketaan vekotin esim. 85 metrin syvyyteen... / Lowering the device |
... ja sitten täytetään näytepullot / Sampling the water |
Näyttää hienolta, mutta mittoja on vaikea hahmottaa / Tunabreen |
Iso risteilylaiva mittatikkuna / Note the cruise ship |